About the teacher (English follows below)

日本に来たのは2003年で、2011年に娘を出産するまでは英語の講師をしてきました。娘が7ヶ月になった時、アジマン紀久子さんが講師を務める「Playful Music Together」に参加し、私も娘もすぐに「Music Together®」のレッスンや曲が好きになり、夢中になりました。アジマン紀久子さんに多分の影響を受け、「Music Together」の講師になりたいと思い、2012年に「Music Together」のトレーニングを受講しました。

2013年、「Music Together LLC」より「ALBA Music Together」の開講許可を受けました。皆さんが、Music Together のレッスンを楽しんでいただき、そして音楽がより好きになって頂ければ幸いです。

Anneliese grew up in Scotland in a household of music lovers and makers. It made for a lively environment and instilled a love of music making in Anneliese. She went on to learn many instruments before settling on the piano and baroque recorders and has taken part in various chamber music groups and choirs.

Anneliese graduated from the University of Manchester with an honours degree in Music, MusB (Hons) where she studied performance, composition, aesthetics of music, musicianship skills and more. Although Anneliese has had a formal musical training her passion lies in making music for fun and sharing the joy of music in informal settings. One of her favourite things to do is to get together with her family and make music! She loves pretty much all types of music from all over the world from Okinawan folk music to medieval chants.

She came to Japan in 2003 and taught English for many years before having her daughter in 2011. When her daughter was 7 months old, she enrolled in a Music Together® class and instantly fell in love with the program. Anneliese was so happy to find a program for families with young children that offered quality music that she decided to take the training. She successfully competed the training in November 2012 (Tokyo) and was granted a license to open her own Music Together centre in Kunitachi by Music Together LLC. Anneliese undertook further training in 2014 and achieved Certification Level One. She hopes to create fun classes for many families.